Friday, May 24, 2013

Becoming a Runner

When it comes to running I have always second guessed myself. Am I really a runner or do I just wish I was? Can I actually run 3.1 miles (a 5k) without stopping? It usually takes me a mile to get into running. The first three minutes I am asking myself "Why am I running? Why am I doing this to myself?" In the first three minutes my body hurts. It is rejecting the movement in my legs. My body says "No! Stop running! Go back inside and lay on the couch, watch your shows..." I literally have to talk myself into running.

I think a person who thinks themselves a "runner" enjoys running. In training for my most recent 5k I didn't feel like a runner. I didn't enjoy running. Every run was difficult. I needed to talk myself through 3 miles.  When I ran my 5k I thought, "You know a half marathon is 4 times this and then some?" How on earth could I run a half marathon when I struggle running 3.1 miles. Even though it was tough I kept going in my training. I started running 3.5 miles as my regular run. My "long run" became 5 miles.  Then I ran 4 miles as my regular run. 

I had a hard time running 3.5 miles. That is only .4 miles more than my 5k, but I struggled with it. This week I ran 4 miles on Tuesday and 4 miles on Thursday. On Tuesday my 3rd mile was my fastest. I also felt the best during my 3rd mile. I felt as if I could run forever. Isn't that weird? One day running 3.5 miles seems impossible to me, and the next I am running 4 miles and feeling like I could go farther. Last Saturday I ran 5 miles. I went out too late in the day and it was hot. That made me slower and sweatier but I didn't feel exhausted at the end of the run.  I am feeling more and more confident that I can run a half marathon with the training program I am using.

 I cannot pinpoint the moment in which everything changed, but I have become a "runner". I enjoy running. I feel good running.  My body no longer screams "Stop, please, for heaven's sake stop running!" I get to a point where I think "I could run for a lot longer than this. Yes, I think I could run a half marathon!" Like I said before, it takes me a mile to get into it but after that I just go. I listen to music and sometimes want to start dancing but I save my energy.  Of course some days are better than others. On Thursday at mile 3 I thought "I hope I can make it home". 

Tomorrow I am running 6 miles, which is my longest run so far (or ever in my life!). I don't have a goal time to run the 6 miles. The training program I follow by Hal Higdon says not to worry about times in my training runs. And since this is my first half marathon I should make the goal to finish, not necessarily set a goal time to finish in. I am both excited and nervous to run 6 miles. I am excited because it is about the halfway point of a half marathon. I am excited to run 6 miles without stopping. I am nervous because I have yet to run that far my whole life. I am nervous to see how my body reacts to going that far, and how long it will take me to get into running. It is my first real long run.

I have read and heard to bring along sustenance on a long run. My friend told me about sport beans and gels. Essentially they are carbs and sugar and are supposed to give you a boost of energy when you are on long runs.  I went and got some sport beans (basically they are jelly beans) and a "shot blok energy chew".  The shot bloks have two servings, each 100 calories and provide 24 grams of carbs, 12 grams of sugar and also provide potassium. The sport beans are 1 serving packages of 100 calories and 25g carbs and 17g sugar.

I think I will try out the shot bloks tomorrow. I got the strawberry flavor. I will let you know how they are.  I am also open to other suggestions of food/energy boost to have on long runs.  I might try out a book on tape on one of my long runs as well.

Running is awesome! And I am proud to finally call myself a "runner"!

1 comment:

  1. 6 miles tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you. Make sure you post how you did on your run.
