Saturday, November 24, 2012

BodyRock-30 Day Exercise Challenge

30 days ago I decided to take on a workout challenge from I have mixed feelings about BodyRock. I love their workouts. I like the interval training. I hate that they never wear clothes--they are working out in practically nothing.  I hate how they have all these sexy poses in their sports bra and "shorts"--more like underpants. I wish they would show their pantry instead of their panties. I need to see what they are eating. I know exercising is not enough because I live it. Just because I workout doesn't mean I will loose weight because I just ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's in one sitting.  Can anyone show me a FREE website that has both eating plans AND workouts?

I digress.  Back to my exercise challenge.  30 days ago I took the 7 minute fit test, and started on my 30 day journey. They way the workout was set up was you worked out 5 days-Monday through Friday, and had two "rest" days. I think they wanted you to have an active "rest" day by running or hiking or something.To be honest, there were days I didn't do the workouts. I got sick, some days I was sore, I was also training for my 5k, excuse, excuse, excuse. I did enjoy the 30 day challenge though. I do feel that I have improved, and that I have muscles growing where they never existed.  The workouts were tough. Some days I couldn't walk after working out, or I woke up so sore.

Throughout the challenge there were 3 fit tests: a fit test on day one, one in the middle, and one the very last day.  As you know yesterday was Black Friday. It was also day 30 of my challenge.  I had stayed up til 3am  shopping and then I got up at 5:30am for more shopping. I had taken a 3 hour nap around 11:30am and so by the time I got to doing the Fit Test I was pretty exhausted.  Part of me wishes I waited until today to do it.  Maybe my scores would have been even higher. Never the less I did it yesterday. I still beat my original scores so I should be proud. Proud that I have improved and I went through with the challenge and didn't give up.

Here are the scores from my fit test, going from test #1 to #2 to #3:

Squat Jumps- 25/32/30
Push Ups- 3 reg 10 modified/19 mod/24 mod
Burpees- 8/10/12
High Knees- 70/96/110
Switch Lunges- 15/25/28
Tuck Jumps- 12/18/23
Straight Abs- 7/10/17

Now I need to figure out if I will continue BodyRocking or find other workouts to try. I am always up for suggestions.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Second 5k

I ran my second 5k this morning. My first 5k was in Texas where we live right now. I ran it is 33.5 minutes. I felt pretty good about it seeing as I beat my practice 5k and I haven't been running too long. I used this as a guide to train for the 5k.

I used the same training guide for this 5k, but only did the last two weeks of it.  My second 5k was the Fleet Feet Turkey Trot in American Fork, UT. We are up in Utah visiting family for Thanksgiving. I wanted to run another 5k and thought it would be fun to run with my sister and brother-in-law. I found a 5k and we ran it.

Yesterday I went to the doctor and it turns out I have strep. Just. Great.  Luckily I got on medicine before the pharmacy closed. But I didn't do the 15 minute run I was supposed to. And I felt kind of yucky last night. I honestly didn't know how I was going to do it this morning. I slept ok but not great. When  I woke up I was still a little blah feeling but I got dressed and ready to go.
We drove down to American Fork and got ready to race. There were A LOT of people there. I would say over 500 runners were there. Adrenaline kicked in when the raced started and I was ready to go. I had my ipod in and was listening to the last part of Breaking Dawn. That's right, I said it.  Only a few minutes in though my ipod died (dang it!) and I had to run with nothin' to keep me going.

It was a hard race. We ran through parking lots so there wasn't much of a view. I hadn't trained in this high altitude. I didn't feel like I was breathing enough. I felt weighed down by all my fat.  But I trudged along and made it through the 3 miles.  When we got to the end it was a little confusing. It was actually a 3.1 mile race, but there were so many people that at the end a line formed. I never got my finish line. I was just a sudden stop. And I missed seeing how long it took me to run it. We calculated and I think we ran it in about 33/34 minutes (well Bran and I. Dan ran it in 21 and Mer in 27 minutes). So I am very proud of that!  Especially for having strep and this altitude.

I know there is more running in my future. But now I am ready for the Thanksgiving eat-a-thon to begin. I've earned it.

Our times were posted online for the race. There were 798 people who ran and completed the race and about 100 that were listed as Did Not Finish. I ran the race in 34:34. I am proud of that.  I placed 35 out of 59 in my age group and placed 491 overall. So I wasn't last place which is great. And for not being a runner I did good. Under 36 minutes is less than 12 minute mile. I am not ashamed!


I have been thinking a lot lately about doing this--starting a blog to keep track of my road to being fit. I have been logging my workouts on facebook, but I think it more beneficial to blog it. I have a hard time finding people like me (a mom of 2 who doesn't have that pre-baby body anymore and struggles with weight and eating healthy) so maybe there are people like me but they aren't blogging about their struggles/triumphs. Or maybe there are and I just can't find them. No matter, I have decided to do this so here I am.

I love food. I LOVE food. I want to be healthy and fit. Those don't really go together well.  I find myself seeing naughty food (aka Nutella, ice cream, anything sweet) and saying to myself "Screw it. I'd rather eat this than loose weight." But I need to STOP doing that. It's getting me no where. I have been steadily working out for two month now and have lost 0 pounds. In fact, I think I may have gained some weight. What the?! I have heard that eating right was more important than working out. I am starting to agree with that thought. Of course, I need to get myself into the process of doing both: eating right AND exercising.

This blog is to help motivate me, and hopefully others, to be better. To make positive changes in my life. Not only to be thin, but to be fit. I do hope that writing it down will help me in those moments when I want to eat the whole pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Maybe I can go here and look at my progress and say, "no, it's not worth it. The fat in that ice cream is not worth all the work I have put into my workouts."

So here it is world: my blog of attempting to get myself fit.

I am 26 years old and 5'1". I am 154 pounds. I have given birth to two children. When I was in high school I weight like 118 lbs. Why is it we always say "I wish I looked the same as in high school." When I was in high school I would say "I can't wait to be out of high school" but I would go back in time in a second if I could. So anyway, I have some extra bits on me now, so extra fat. Yeah, my boobs are bigger than high school. That's a plus. But my butt is also bigger and thighs and stomach and arms. I have more cellulite than I did in high school. I am just not happy with my body right now. Especially when I see people that look like this:

I know it's all me that I am not looking better. I eat too much, sit around too much, don't work out enough, don't eat enough healthy food. It is hard. I have a really hard time. But I am slowly getting better. I know it takes time. I just want it to happen instantly. And as I am writing this I just ate a peanut butter cup. hahaha. Oh man.