I want to back track a little bit. Yesterday I weighed myself and I gained 2 pounds. I am now 157. What? I don't understand how that happened. I ate healthy and worked out hard and drank a lot of water.. If I was on the Biggest Loser I would have been sent home. Hopefully this week I can lose some. My overall goal isn't to lose weight, it is to get fit and healthy. But I also think I should lose weight in doing so. That just didn't happen last week. I need to remember that muscle weights more than fat. Here is an example:
This picture shows the same weight of muscle and fat
This picture is really motivating to me. Even though muscle weighs more than fat it takes up less space. So if I turn my fat to muscle I will be smaller. That is encouraging.
The scores came up for my healthy challenge. I am #2 out of seven people. I should be proud of that but I really want first so I need to do better this week. I WILL do better this week. I did the Plyometrics workout tonight and I worked out hard. I am proud of how I did tonight. It is a hard workout but I kept going and I didn't give up. Go me! haha.
Tomorrow will be hard but not brutal. It is arms and shoulders. Bring it on.
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