Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Week of P90x Complete and Health Challenge Update

My body is sore and I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, but I am proud to say I completed my first week of P90x! This program is brutal! I feel like everyday I was excited to workout and as soon as it started I was like "No! no! I can't! It hurts! When is it over?!" but I kept going and I am proud of myself. It helps to have my partner in crime supporting me by being my workout buddy.

I do have a confession. I didn't get my P90x workout in on Thursday, which was a 1.5 hour of yoga. I chose to go on a date with the hubby to see Les Miserables and couldn't find 1.5 hours in the day to do yoga uninterrupted by my kids. But I did workout that day. I found a 30 minute kickboxing video and it was pretty good. I did, however, do the yoga along with the Legs & Back workout I was scheduled to do on Friday.

Friday was a killer day for working out.  I did 30 minutes of the Legs & Back workout in the morning and the other 30 in the evening along with the yoga.  The yoga kicked my butt! I didn't realize that it would be so grueling. I love yoga.  I have taken many yoga classes. I substitute taught a few yoga classes in my community.  I do not love doing yoga after I have already worked out my legs.  But I am glad I did it.  I didn't want to say I didn't do a P90x workout on my first week.

I am feeling pretty good about myself this week.  I have been eating really well (with the exception of eating candy at the movie but I ate the serving size when I normally would gorge on many servings so I am proud).  I have made a few "clean eating" dished this week. That basically means I made dinner the way people did back in the day--from scratch. And the meals were delicious!

On Monday night I made Curry Pineapple Turkey Rice Bowl which was SO GOOD! Click on the link for the recipe.  On Tuesday I made Taco Salad from the same website and it was also really good.  I had a lot of vegetable options to pile on top of the meat and I used this meal as an excuse to have Tortilla Chips Hint of Lime in our house.  On Thursday and Friday we had Shrimp Jambalaya which is a family favorite and only 158 calories per cup! It is so flavorful! Yesterday we treated ourselves to some Sushi. Yum! I feel proud of the way I ate this week.  Every meal I try to have 2 or 3 vegetables on the side to eat.

I am doing well in my health challenge.  We turn our scores in today and tomorrow we will find out who is in the top 3.  I have no idea how I fare to the other competitors. I know I have more points than my husband but starting tomorrow he will be biking to and from school so I need to kick it up a notch if I want to have more points than him.

I am really glad I have this challenge to motivate me to want to be healthier. Not only want to be healthier, but it motivates be to make healthier choices.  Yesterday we decided to have family movie night, so we went to the store to get some movie snacks. I chose to get the Chex Mix Muddy Buddies.  It was a 10.5 oz bag. It has 10 servings in it. Each serving is 1/3 cup. That isn't very much.  During the holidays my husband and I downed one of those bags just the two of us in like 10 minutes.  Last night I portioned out one serving and took my time eating it.  It satisfied me and I didn't go back for more. Not only that, I didn't find myself craving more. Whohoo! There is hope for me yet!

Tomorrow is my first weigh in.  I will post pictures along with my weight (whether I lose or not) and I will let you all know what I ranked in the challenge. And let me just say I love that Sunday is a day of rest and I don't have to work out today. My body needs rest, for tomorrow is the first day of week 2 of P90x!

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